

VII annual International Conference "Mining Industry in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: View to the Future” (IMIC BEAR-2017)

The VII annual International Conference “Mining Industry in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region: View to the Future” (IMIC BEAR-2017) which will take place in Kirovsk Town, Murmansk Region, Russia on the 16 – 17 of November, 2017
The Conference Topic: «Technological Re-Equipment of Mining Enterprises to Ensure Ecological Balance in the Arctic».
The Barents Euro-Arctic Region is a strategically important sector of the Arctic, rich in natural resources, which possesses a considerable technological, scientific potential and human resources. Good environmental practices in the conditions of sub-Arctic climate defines status of the Barents Region as the leader in development of mineral resources in the Arctic. 2017 is declared the Year of Ecology in Russia. The intensive development of the mining industry in the region opens new opportunities for economic growth, but at the same time causes environmental changes. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the mining industry is to ensure ecological balance in the Arctic.

Additional information: See the details regarding program, participants, online registration, deadlines, announcements and other issues at http://conference.ncci.ru/(en)