

Investment Guide to the Republic of Bashkortostan

Bashkortostan is a sustainably developing Russian region. On gross regional product growth rates, the Republic is ahead of the Russian average, due to growing industrial production, consumer demand and investment. The traditionally strong industries, such as oil production, petrochemicals, machine building and agriculture are actively developing backed up by robust production, scientific, technological and personnel potential. Its position at the crossing of large transport routes, wealth in natural resources, skilled labour force, and developed industry and infrastructure make the Republic very attractive for investors.
Today, Bashkortostan demonstrates an open, transparent and honest partnership model. We have done a lot to improve the investment climate, including the creation of an appropriate legislative basis and the introduction of special reliefs and exemptions. A structured “one stop shop” framework of investor support provides for highly effective engagement with investors at all levels.


Investment Guide of Bashkortostan

Mechanical engineering enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Competence, engineering and technologies catalog.