

VI Russian-Swedish Economic Forum «New Investment Potential: Ideas and Opportunities»


VI Russian-Swedish Economic Forum
«New Investment Potential: Ideas and Opportunities»
November 2016
Stockholm, Sweden

On November 24th 2016 Trade Representation of the Russian Federation  in Sweden for the sixth time held an annual Russian-Swedish Economic Forum. The number of participants exceeded 120.

The event was held in cooperation with Russian Ministry for economic development.

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The welcoming speeches were delivered by Deputy Co-Chairman of the Russian-Swedish Steering Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation Mr. Egor Bronnikov and Mr. Stefan Gullgren, by Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Dmitriev and by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Sweden Mr. Viktor Tatarincev. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Sweden D. Sh. Eleukenov and senior diplomats of Armenian and Bulgarian diplomatic missions.

Посол Российской Федерации в Королевстве Швеция В.И. Татаринцев  Торговый представитель Российской Федерации в Королевстве Швеция А.В. Катасов

The main objective of the Forum was to promote mutually beneficial and successful development of Russian-Swedish economic cooperation.
The Forum provided an opportunity for Russian and Swedish participants to discuss current trends in bilateral trade, investment and technological cooperation, as well as to demonstrate the potential of the Russian innovation and investment projects in order to establish direct contacts with potential Swedish partners. The main discussions took place in the following areas: innovative technologies, waste management, environmental protection, automotive and transportation, telecommunications, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and others.
The plenary session of the Forum held on November 24 in Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Sweden become the main event of the Forum. Representatives of the Russian business community as well as regional and federal authorities delivered speeches and made presentations. Such Russian organizations and companies as LLC “Tinger RUS”, PJSC “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”, LLC “Angara”, LLC “Remstroytorg” resident company Technopark Skolkovo LLC “Fit”, LLC “Altai bouquet” St. Peter Line, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Republic of Karelia took part in the Forum. Swedish participants of the Forum were presented by companies and organizations such as Ericsson, Bo Group Enterprises, SETCleanTech, JCR AUTOMOTIVE AB, Business Sweden, Sweco Industry AB, Ytteknik AB and others. The event was attended by representatives of Ministry of foreign Affairs of Sweden, the Swedish Embassy in Russia, and Bo Andersson – Director General of “AvtoVAZ” (2014-2016) and Andreas Giallourakis – Head of the Moscow office Business Sweden.
The plenary session consisted not only of presentations, speeches and discussions, but also B2B negotiations between Russian and Swedish companies on specific promising cooperation projects.

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During the plenary session of the Forum CEOs of the Swedish JCR AUTOMOTIVE AB and LLC “Tinger RUS” signed a contract for the supply of Russian all-terrain vehicles in Sweden in 2017.
On the sidelines of the Forum was held the meeting among the Deputy Co-Chairmen of the Russian-Swedish Supervisory Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (IGC) and the chairman of the Russian-Swedish Business Council.
As the result of the Forum certain agreements for further cooperation, mutual projects implementations and exchange of the expertise were reached between Russian and Swedish participants.

All presentation from the Forum you can find here