

International Investment Forum Sochi 2016


The Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 will take place from September 29 to October 2 in the Olympic Park Main Media Centre. The Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 is an established discussion platform bringing together the expertise of the business community, civil society, and government authorities from around the world to consider contemporary trends in economic development. The Forum also aims to showcase the investment and economic potential of Russia’s regions, build cooperation, and strengthen ties between the Russian and international business, political, expert, and media communities.

The Sochi Forum is a traditional platform for presenting Russia’s investment and economic potential and regional aspects of the global economy, and for boosting cooperation and strengthening ties between Russian and foreign business leaders, experts, and media representatives.
The Forum is held with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

The Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 is being organized by the Roscongress Foundation

Oficial site: http://www.forumkuban.org/en/main-page/

Program of the International Investment Forum SOCHI 2016
Brief outline of Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 (English version)
Brief outline of Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 (German version)
Brief outline of Sochi International Investment Forum 2016 (French version)