

Business mission of the companies from the Republic of Mari El (Russia)

On May 24-25th 2016 delegation of business society of the Republic of Mari El (Russian region) visited Stockholm. Business mission was organized and held by Russian Trade Representation in Sweden in close cooperation with the Autonomous noncommercial organization “Agency of investment development of the Republic of Mari El” (www.investinmariel.ru).
Main objectives of the business mission were to implement business contacts, promote Russian products in Sweden, conduct business negotiations and attract Swedish technologies and investments to the projects realized in the Region.
Russian Trade Representation in Sweden together with representatives of Russian companies took part in World Bioenergy (www.elmia.se/en/worldbioenergy/). The exhibition is the largest event in Scandinavia for the forest industries focusing on the pulp, paper, bioenergy, new biobased innovations and products.


Visiting the exhibition has become an effective platform to study the market of bioenergy materials and new technologies in the sphere of resource and energy savings. On the exhibition field a number of productive B2B talks took place and preliminary agreements for future cooperation were reached, in particular on peat extraction and processing.
Roundtable discussions were organized in the premises of Russian Trade Representation in Sweden during which the investment potential of the Republic of Mari El was presented and business talks were held on the subject of waste sorting and recycling.
As one of the results of the business mission Agency of investment development of the Republic of Mari El and Russian Trade Representation in Sweden signed a memorandum, stipulated for the continuation of the cooperative work for the development of Russian-Swedish business contacts.