

Business mission of representatives of the Russian company LLC "TD ‪Cedrus‬"

April 6, 2016 ‪Russian‬ ‪Trade‬ Representation in ‪Sweden‬ organized and held business mission of representatives of the Russian company LLC “TD ‪Cedrus‬” (www.ced-rus.com) – producer and supplier of a wide range of construction materials.
Main objectives of the business mission are to implement business contacts, promote Russian construction materials in Sweden as well as conduct business negotiations.
Russian Trade Representation in Sweden together with representatives of the Russian company took an active part in the largest construction exhibition in Scandinavia ‪Nordbygg ‬(www.nordbygg.se/), which attracts over 60 000 visitors, about 800 companies from more than 30 countries. The exhibition is held once in two years.
Visiting the exhibition has become an effective platform to study the market possibilities of building materials in Sweden, including assortment, main competitors, and retail sales prices. It also served as a good possibility to assess perspectives of Russian products in Swedish market. A number of productive dialogues took place during the exhibition.
As the result of the business mission LLC “TD ‪‎Cedrus‬” intends, together with Russian Trade Representation in Sweden, continue working on the promotion of its products in Sweden.

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