

Investment in Tatarstan

Tatarstan — ranks first in Russia in investment climate

Official website: invest.tatarstan.ru

Tatarstan attracts more than 1 million USD of foreign investments a day.

In 2014 foreign investments in the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan reached 551,9 million USD, including 435,7 million USD of direct foreign investments. Such worldwide known companies as Ford, Daimler, Mercedes-Benz, Leoni, 3М, Bosch, Saint-Gobain, Basf, Rockwool, Hayat, Fujitsu, Air Liquide, Sisecam, Armstrong, Kiekert, Kastamonu, Saria, and others, chose Tatarstan for their production, research and business.

The Republic of Tatarstan provides favourable conditions for investors.*

Tatarstan has the best outcomes among Russian regions in the following:

  • Regulatory environment
  • Business institutes
  • Infrastructure and resources

*according to the outcomes of the National rating of Russian regions investment climate 2014.

The rate and quality of investment projects implementation are provided by application of “Road maps” world standard that determines the events algorithm, the terms and participants of project implementation. Due to this well-elaborated technology, investor is able to choose quickly and effectively:

  • a site, the form of its business, and preferences format,
  • register the business,
  • organize construction, and launch its enterprise.

Investment activity is organized and realized by the public authority, the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency.
Basic powers of the Agency:

  • Attraction of investments
  • Investment projects support and implementation
  • Implementation of public-private partnership

Tatarstan Investment Development Agency
50 Peterburgskaya St, Kazan 420107
Telephone: +7 (843) 570-40-01
Fax: +7 (843) 570-40-01