

Group of Companies "Zapagromash" and "Intech"

Group of Companies “Zapagromash” and “Intech”
The introduction of intensive technologies in livestock

The group of companies Hozain is manufacturing TMR mixers, straw bedders, manure spreaders and agricultural trailers. Having introduced innovative for CIS farmers technology of feeding cattle with TMR in 1999 by present day small at the beginning family company run by enthusiastic owner mr. Anatoly Fedioukovich has created constant market demand and became apparent market leader – each 5th cow in CIS is being fed with the help of Hozain equipment, factories located in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus, and Smolensk, Russian Federation, occupy area of 12000 sqm and have capacity to produce up to 1000 machines per year (Mixers with horizontal or vertical augers; Trailed straw blower; Tractors semi trailed; Semi trailed manure spreader and etc), more than 200 highly skilled employees and modern equipment provide for high quality and durability of machines, adopted to the hardest conditions of operation. 60 dealers in CIS delivered more than 4000 machines to customers. Service and after sales care centers in all big regions provide for proper continuos work of machines, satisfaction of farmers and their animals.

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