

PRESTO-RUS, LLC - Russian manufacturer of geosynthetics


PRESTO-RUS was established in 1998 and since then has become one of the leading Russian manufacturers of geosynthetics. The company specializes in production and supply of geocells and their components supporting different industries, such as civil construction, industrial engineering and others.
PRESTO-RUS carries out the whole range of activities associated with the use of geocells:
• Development of project documents and standard technical documents.
• Development of new designs and advanced technical solutions with the use of geocells.
• Expert review of estimate standards for construction with the use of geocells.
• Field supervision and engineering support of the constructed facilities.
• Education, training and consulting of contractors and engineering organization.
• Delivery of geocells with the components to the worksite.
• Construction.
• Integrated application of geosynthetics.

More information about the company and it’s products is available in the presentation.