

International Forum of Technological Development “TECHNOPROM-2014”

“An era of technological change: A time for new victories (achievements)”

The name of the forum reflects the current global economic agenda. The period after the financial crisis has already attained the stable definition of being an “era of change”. This term was used at the World Economic Forum in Davos. It was also reflected in the main theme of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum “Building trust in an era of change”.

The development of this theme in the framework of “Technoprom-2014″ is linked with search of the opportunities for realizing the potential of structural reforms.

Forum participants will answer the key question: “How to gain leadership in a global changing environment.”

Forum dates: June 5 – 6, 2014.

Forum Venue: “Novosibirsk Expo-center”, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

Forum Goal:
To create an international discussion platform for the debate of issues involving the transition to the sixth technological structure through active developments in science, technology, engineering, progressive economic models providing technological leadership.

Forum Objectives:

The Forum as a discussion platform:

To organize high-level discussion platforms of various types and directions, where the presence of various, sometimes conflicting, concepts from qualified professionals of different opinions will help to identify the trends and important issues in modern scientific development and industrial production, as well as key principals in the interaction between different kinds of administrative, business, and scientific structures.

The part of the agenda for discussion at the Forum are the topics of: the primary areas encouraging development in science and technology, large-scale high-tech projects and programs, main problems and advancements in the development of modern knowledge structure and technological development infrastructure, and issues involving the stimulation of high-tech entrepreneurship.

The Forum as a communication platform:

The Forum aims to create a space for communication in the form of various sites encouraging direct interaction between researchers, inventors, production specialists, managers, and investors.

The Forum site will create new and strengthen existing strategic alliances (partnerships) between scientists, designers, production specialists, investors, institutions of development, the expert community, heads of state, and municipal authorities.

The Forum as an exhibition platform:

To show the most promising projects and technologies of an international level, aimed at different areas of expertise. Thanks to exposure provided at the Forum, participants will be able to acquaint themselves with a wide range of achievements grouped in the category of invoking the sixth technological structure.

During the Forum, an international exhibition of the most promising high-tech development projects will be held. The latest developments will be showcased, the introduction of which will significantly alter the technological base in the areas of industry and services

Contact Information:

Web site: http://forumtechnoprom.com

Forum’s Call Center +7-499-940-12-00

To participate in the Forum – Anastasia Fedorets – registrator@forumtechnoprom.com
To become a sponsor or participate in the exhibition – Eugenia Ivankova –sponsor@forumtechnoprom.com
To participate in the business program – Oksana Tsybakova – program@forumtechnoprom.com
To become a media partner/ media accreditation – Maria Kryukova – pr@forumtechnoprom.com
Logistic Center – Anastasia Titkova – logistic@forumtechnoprom.com
For all other questions – Yulia Guseva – info@forumtechnoprom.com

