Company profile

Cornerstone (Recruitment & HR-consulting)

Region: Moskva och Moskva oblast

Branscher: Recruitment & HR-consulting

Produkter: Executive search management selection

Cornerstone was founded in 1993 and now it is one of the leaders of the Russian consulting services market in the area of human resources management.
Over this period the company has become 10 times as big, has increased the areas of specialisation by a multiple of 5 and fulfilled more than 16 000 orders at many different levels. 80% of orders come from our existing clients.

Adress: Cornerstone in Moscow: - 16, Tverskaya str., bld.1, 'Actor Gallery' Business Center, Moscow, Russia, 125009 - Cornerstone in Saint-Petersburg: 9 line Vasilievskiy ostrov, 34 lit. А, Business Center "Magnus", office 701, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199004

Telefon: Tel: +7 (495) 933-2828; Tel: +7 (812) 389-3535



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