Region: Altaj kraj
Branscher: Tillverkning av honung
Produkter: honung
Our company was founded in 2014 and over these years has established itself as a reliable and profitable partner. We have accumulated vast experience and a large database of beekeeping products suppliers to meet any requests of our customers. Principles of our company:
-a responsibility
-impeccable reputation
-focus on customer satisfaction
-continuous development and improvement
-assistance in the development of beekeeping and improvement of the quality of beekeeping products
Linden honey
The color of honey from the white or light-yellow to greenish. The color difference is due to the fact that this type of bee product can be collected in different regions (there are far East Linden, Bashkir Linden , etc.). Linden gives a light and pleasant honey, sometimes with bitterness but always with a delicate, sweet aftertaste. Aroma of honey sweet, like lime flowers. The value of the fragrant delicacy not only in the inimitable taste, but also in the healthy composition.
Sunflower honey
Тне honey from sunflower is a light product, having a bright yellow to an amber color, occasionally there is a greenish shade. Taste sensations from sunflower honey are rich. It is sweet, with a slight sourish aftertaste. There may be a tart taste. One more interesting effect – in a throat after it can pinch from time to time a little. The pumped-out sunflower honey quickly enough gets denser. Approximately in 2-3 weeks. During this time in it rather large crystals of yellow or light amber color are formed. But in honeycombs sunflower honey, as well as any other honey keeps liquid consistence much longer.
Polyfloral honey
Polyfloral called the product obtained from the nectar harvested from herbs, plants and trees growing in the same region. Polyfloral honey is collected in summer, from May to the end of August. A variety of nutrients, honey gives an unusual quality. Even with one space it is impossible to assemble a product with the same properties. It depends on flowering time, the presence and proportion of honey plants. The predominant component will give a unique shade of taste and color.
Buckwheat honey
Buckwheat honey has a rich dark color (from dark brown to dark yellow, sometimes with red or purple hues). The smell and taste of buckwheat honey is difficult to confuse with something else. It combines the harmony of tart and sweet taste. Аfter eating honey throat tickling a few. Such honey quickly crystallizes, therefore acquires a non-uniform structure (the form can be fine-grained or coarse-grained).
Beebread - is a bee bread— pollen load, gathered by bees from the flowers of plants, folded and tamped in honeycombs, topped with honey. Flower pollen under the influence of enzymes of saliva of insects, special yeast fungi, beneficial bacteria, with almost complete absence of oxygen molecules, gradually turns into beebread. With the growth of lactic acid in the honeycomb, the pollen is preserved and solidified. Thanks to this process, beebread is considered a more valuable product than pollen (rejuvenation), since the amount of biologically active substances in it is much higher. Scientists have determined that the nutritional values of the product triple the analogous characteristics of pollen. Beebread is a natural antibiotic, superior to honey and pollen several times.
Propolis got its name from the Greek πρόπολις - bee glue, propolis. By means of propolis bees cover the cracks in the hive. Also, with the help of this substance, the beehive entrance is blocked. Beehive entrance is called the entrance to the hive. Sometimes there is a need to close it. Propolis provides closure of honeycombs. This clogging is called comb capping. Propolis has a disinfecting effect on the cells. It provides a sterile state of the hive. If any objects come from the outside, they are covered with propolis as a means of disinfection.
In a bee family, only a couple dozen bees are collecting it. Usually, not more than two hundred grams of propolis is produced by one swarm per season, although some breeds can yield more than four hundred grams of useful substance. From the hive it is extracted with a chisel. By this adaptation, the finished natural product is scraped off the walls and internal partitions of the bee dwelling.
The consistency of propolis depends on temperature, it changes in time. Below 15°C, propolis is hard, brittle; at a higher temperature, especially above 30°C, it becomes plastic, soft. Freshly plucked propolis is sticky, gluey; with time, under the influence of sunlight, hardens and becomes brittle. When heated propolis gradually softens. It becomes fluid usually when passes 64-69°C (no clear temperature boundary is determined).
Adress: Altaysky krai, Barnaul, ul. Dimitrova, 79, kv. 79
Telefon: +7 3852 560-400, +7-911-195-67-62