Company profile


Region: Moskva och Moskva oblast

Branscher: Tillverkning av möbel

Produkter: Möbler för veterinärkontor och möbler för hållande av laboratoriedjur

VETBOT is the world leader in manufacturing professional furniture for veterinary facilities and furniture for keeping of laboratory animals.

We manufacture surgical, examination, dental tables and tables for cardiac ultrasonography procedures for veterinary purposes.

One of VETBOT priorities is the production of cages for keeping of laboratory animals.

We manufacture laboratory cages for rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, mice and guinea pigs.

In addition, the company VETBOT produces cells for veterinary hospitals, which are a model of quality and convenience for keeping animals.

Adress: Baltijskaya 11, Moscow, Russia

Telefon: +7 495 137 05 67



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