Company profile

JSC “Cheboksary Production Association n.a. V.I. Chapaev”

Region: Tjuvasjien

Branscher: Produktion av brandsläckningssystem

Produkter: Brandbekämpningsgeneratorer

We are glad to welcome you to the site of JSC "ChPO im. IN AND. Chapaev "!

The Cheboksary Production Association named after Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is a diversified enterprise that produces more than 1000 names of various types of products. Throughout its 78-year history, it has made a significant contribution to the development of the Chuvash Republic.

JSC "ChPO im. IN AND. Chapaeva ”is a huge production experience, supported by scientific and technical potential and a team of highly qualified professionals in their field. Thanks to competitive developments, as well as a unique production complex, the company continues to hold its leading position in the market.

The competitive advantages of JSC "ChPO im. IN AND. Chapaeva ”has been and remains the quality of products, a reliable business reputation and a fundamental approach to any production process. All this allowed the company to gain well-deserved trust and respect from partners and customers.

Today, active work is underway to develop existing and create new technological specializations that allow the introduction of competitive high-tech civilian products. Due to the desire for constant growth and readiness to accept innovations, the vector of further development has been determined, which involves the development of new markets, as well as attracting new partners and investors. The formed investment program includes a number of unique projects that have no analogues in the Russian Federation.

JSC "ChPO im. IN AND. Chapaeva ”continues its dynamic and effective development and strives to confirm the status of one of the most powerful enterprises in Russia.

Adress: 428006, Cheboksary, st. Socialist, 1, RUSSIA

Telefon: +7 (8352) 39-62-09



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